Why Did God Give Us the Law?

To Help Us Recognize Our Sins and The Consequences

Romans 3:20

”20 Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin.”


God graciously gave us His Law to bring awareness to our sinful nature and to illuminate the consequences of our actions. The 613 articles of the Law were bestowed upon us so that we could comprehend the depth of our transgressions and realize our need for redemption through Jesus Christ.

Romans 3:20 affirms that "By the law is the knowledge of sin," emphasizing that the Law was not intended to impose strict adherence but to illuminate our shortcomings.


Where Can You Find the 613 Articles of the Law in the Bible?

The comprehensive list of the 613 commandments from God can be found in the Torah, which encompasses the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. These books are B’Resheet (Genesis), Sh’Mot (Exodus), Vayikra (Leviticus), B’Midbar (Numbers), and D’Varim (Deuteronomy).

Within these sacred texts, one can explore and study the intricate details of each commandment given by God. Looking at all these commandments given by God, one can just but realize how Holy God is and how human beings are filthy and full of weaknesses.


Embracing Redemption and Salvation

Through the Law, we gain insight into our inherent weakness and our inability to fully obey its demands. We come face-to-face with our own insufficiency and recognize that, according to the Law, we are deserving of condemnation. However, the purpose of this revelation is not to compel us to strive for perfection on our own, but rather to lead us to a place of humility and surrender.

Galatians 3:24

“24 Therefore the law was our [g]tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.”


Upon realizing our sins and acknowledging our inability to fulfill the Law's requirements, we are called to a transformative response. Instead of attempting to achieve righteousness through our own efforts, we are invited to confess our sins, place our faith in Jesus, and receive salvation through His sacrificial work. The Law points us to Jesus as our Savior, who took upon Himself the burden of our sins through His baptism.

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By believing in Jesus and accepting His salvation, we are liberated from the bondage of sin. As hopeless sinners, we find freedom and become children of God, bringing glory to Him. Our understanding, thoughts, and judgments should be grounded in His Word, as it is the source of truth and the guide to comprehending the depth of His redemptive work.


In summary, God gave us His Law to unveil our sinfulness and make us aware of the consequences. It is through this revelation that we recognize our need for a Savior and turn to Jesus for redemption. The Law serves as a signpost directing us to the path of salvation and restoration, leading us to embrace the truth of Jesus' truth of redemption through His Word. The right and true faith.




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