The Inherent Sinfulness Within Humans Because They Are Originally Sinners


sin in man and salvation through jesus

Unveiling the Enduring Sinfulness of Humanity: The Overflowing Nature of Sins from Within

Deep within the soul of every human being lies a well of sins, a reservoir waiting to spill over at the slightest waver in our earthly existence. Imagine this cup as the embodiment of a person's sinful soul, and whenever that person falters, the sins within this cup overflow.

Job 15: 15,16

“If God puts no trust in His saints, And the heavens are not pure in His sight,

16 How much less man, who is abominable and filthy, Who drinks iniquity like water!”


They flow ceaselessly as individuals traverse the world, perpetually dripping sins throughout their entire lives. Humans commit sins in this world because they are inherently consumed by sin, a collective mass of transgressions.


Most individuals remain unaware of the true nature of their sinful selves. Despite carrying a heart laden with sin and perpetually engaging in transgressions throughout their lives, they often proclaim, "I am not inherently lustful. External influences have led me down this path. I am not intrinsically immoral; I just need to cleanse myself of the sins I have committed."

Genesis 6:5

“And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”


Can Repentance Prayers Eliminate Sin?

They believe that by constantly wiping away their sins through virtuous deeds or repentant prayers, they can eradicate their inherent impurity. But does the sin not spill over again when they try to wipe it away? It indeed does spill over. The heart of a person, a reservoir of sin, inevitably manifests sinful behavior. No matter how meticulously one cleanses the external facade, it remains futile if the heart is burdened by sin.


Regardless of how much effort one invests in polishing their external demeanor, whether through ethical conduct or moral actions, it becomes meaningless if the heart is tainted by sin.

Throughout their lives, individuals commit sins such as murder, adultery, theft, and more, fueled by a heart consumed by darkness. Hence, humans perpetuate a multitude of sins, scattered here and there, throughout their entire existence.

Isaiah 64:6  


“But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.”


Humans Try Tirelessly to Conceal Their Sinful Nature


In their pursuit to conceal their true selves, humans strive tirelessly, oblivious to their inherent nature as a mass of sin. Let us imagine a scenario: when a person's heart spills out a small portion of sin, wiping it away only leads to a greater overflow. They find themselves constantly using a handkerchief, towel, and even a carpet to cleanse themselves, yet no matter how many times they attempt to remove the flowing sin, it remains unclean. We continue to drip sin until our last breath.


Humans persist in committing immoral acts until the moment of their demise. Thus, to attain salvation, one must accept Jesus as the Savior who saves them from their sins. In order to receive the remission of sins, individuals must first acknowledge their true nature.


Only Those Who Acknowledge Their Sinfulness Can Be Saved

Consider two individuals with identical sins within them, symbolized by two cups brimming with water. One person looks at themselves and realizes, "I am inherently lewd," giving up the pursuit of self-improvement and seeking the Savior. The other person, unable to confront the mass of sin within, believes they are somewhat virtuous.


The individual who believes in their inherent decency spends their entire life trying to wipe away their sins. They carefully conceal the overflow of sins, striving to hide the fact that they are fundamentally a mass of sin. Living cautiously, however, proves futile in attaining salvation, for they remain unaware that such cautiousness becomes a pathway to damnation.

They unknowingly tread towards hell while living cautiously. Such individuals are indeed sinners, committing various transgressions in hiding, even though the overflowing of sin may not be as evident.


Do you acknowledge the presence of lewdness, wicked thoughts, thieving tendencies, and pride within the human heart? We can witness individuals committing a multitude of immoral acts without anyone teaching them, proving the inherent lewdness within humanity.


The More You Advance in Years the More Sin Overflows in You

During youth, these tendencies may not be prominently displayed, but as one grows older, there is no hiding the mass of sin within. Constantly, sin spills out in small increments, and regret follows.

They lament, saying, "I should not have done that," yet continue to drip sin throughout their entire life, regretting every day. This perpetual state of sin is due to their birth as a mass of sin.


I assert that one can receive the complete remission of sins, granted by the Lord, only if they recognize their original nature as offspring of evildoers. When faced with the truth that Jesus has erased all their sins through righteous acts, a person who comprehends their true nature would believe without hesitation.


What Is the Case of Those Who Say They Committed Just A Few Sins?

Conversely, a person who claims, "I have only committed a limited amount of sin and not as much as others," fundamentally rejects and disbelieves the fact that Jesus, through baptism, took upon Himself all their sins and carried them to the Cross.


However, those deserving of salvation receive the remission of sins by believing they are entirely a mass of sin and by embracing the Truth that the Lord has perfectly resolved all sins on the Cross after His baptism in the Jordan River.


I emphasize that whether one has received the remission of sins or not, we are living in gross misunderstanding of ourselves. If our Lord has eradicated all the sins of humanity through baptism and His blood, then we are free from sin. By believing in this truth, we receive the remission of sins.


God Establishes a New Covenant

Hence, God established a new covenant, proclaiming,

"Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah" (Jeremiah 31:31). This signifies God's intention to replace the old covenant with a new one.


For detailed and full message about sin and salvation of mankind Get this FREE Gospel Book: HAVE YOU TRULY BEEN BORN AGAIN OF WATER AND THE SPIRIT?


Topic continues in next article


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