What Does Mark 7: 20-23 Mean?


What Does Mark 7: 20-23 Mean?

Mark 7:20-23

“And He said, “What comes out of a man, that defiles a man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man.”


Mark 7:20-23 sheds light on the nature of humanity by clarifying what defiles a person. Although some Pharisees believed that eating certain foods could defile them, Jesus explained in Mark 7 that it is the 12 types of sin outlined in verses 21-23 that defile and make a person sinful. In essence, this passage reveals what resides in the heart of every human being - the 12 types of sin.


All individuals are born with these sins because they are descendants of Adam, as Romans 5:12 explains. Even before people become aware of what sin is, they are already condemned because of these 12 sins in their hearts, which make them enemies of God. What is needed is for individuals to acknowledge their sins and ask God for salvation.


Mark 7:20-23 Explains the Evil Thoughts Harbored by Human Beings

Some people make the mistake of categorizing sin and only considering certain actions as sinful, while ignoring the fact that they are filled with wicked thoughts every day. In Genesis 6:5, God says that every thought of man's heart is evil continually. Therefore, humans must stop categorizing sin and thinking that only those who act upon a certain sin are evil.


For example, society often categorizes prostitutes, drunkards, and thieves as sinners, but many people judge these individuals without acknowledging their own sinful thoughts and desires. In today's world, explicit scenes and erotic stories are pervasive in films and books, and people openly discuss pornographic sites on social media. Yet, many individuals still refuse to acknowledge their own adulterous and fornicating thoughts.


Earth Web reports that 2.5 million people visit popular pornographic sites every 60 seconds, and in the United States alone, 40 million people visit these sites regularly. Additionally, many people enjoy violent action movies that depict bloodshed and revenge. These tendencies reveal that humans are inherently murderers, born with hearts filled with murderous thoughts and desires.


However, hypocritically, those who engage in these activities often condemn others for sinning and deny their own sinful nature.

Murder And Adultery Begins in The Heart

Mathew 5: 21-22

“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder, and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.’ But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire.”

Mathew 5: 27-28

“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”


Jesus explained in Matthew 5 that one is not a murderer simply because they physically killed someone, but rather, murder begins in the heart when one thinks of killing someone. Just hating someone or calling them a fool makes you murderous according to the Bible.


Similarly, one is not adulterous simply because they engage in sexual activity with someone who is not their spouse, but rather, adultery begins in the heart when one desires someone who is not their spouse.


As Jesus explained in Mark 7:20-23, everyone is born with sinful thoughts and desires, and acknowledging this reality is the first step towards being born again and overcoming sin.


God Doesn’t Redeem Those with Only ‘A Bit of Sin

God does not offer redemption to those who only have "a bit of sin." He does not even acknowledge those who say, "God, I only have a little bit of sin." Instead, God shows mercy to those who confess, "God, I am a bundle of sin. I am headed for hell. Please save me."


God saves those who rely entirely on Him. Even if they pray for repentance every day, they cannot free themselves from sin. But when they kneel before God and plead, "God, please have mercy on me and save me from all my sins," they will be saved. These people believe in God's redemption and in the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist.


God only rescues those who recognize themselves as bundles of sin, as a brood of evildoers. Those who say, "I only committed a small sin. Please forgive me for it," are still sinners and cannot be saved by God. God only delivers those who admit to themselves that they are complete bundles of sin.


If We Asked for Forgiveness Every Time We Sinned, God Would Have to Repeatedly Kill His Son

Isaiah 59:1-2 states, "Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear."


We are born as bundles of sin, and God cannot view us favorably because of this. It is not due to His hand being shortened or His ear being heavy, or because He cannot hear our plea for forgiveness.


God tells us that our sins and iniquities have separated us from Him, and because of this, we cannot enter Heaven, even if the doors are wide open.


If We Continue to Ask for Forgiveness, We Are Telling God to Repeatedly Send His Son Again Because His Salvation Was Not Enough to Save Us


If we, as bundles of sin, asked for forgiveness every time we sinned, God would have to repeatedly sacrifice His Son, which He does not want to do. Instead, He says, "Do not come to Me every day with your sins. I sent you My Son to redeem you from all your sins. All you need to do is understand how He took away your sins and accept that it is the truth. Then, believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit to be saved. This is the greatest love I have given you, My creations."


He tells us to believe in His Son and receive the remission of our sins. He sent His own Son to atone for all our sins and iniquities. Those who do not see themselves as bundles of sin ask for forgiveness for every minor sin, without understanding the gravity of their actions.


They approach Him without realizing the weight of their sins and simply ask for forgiveness, saying, "Please forgive this small sin. I won't do it again."


John 8:44

“When a devil speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources”

Those who are not born again often declare, “I swear to you... what I’m saying is true...” But their words are still falsehoods, just as it is written, “When a devil tells a lie, he speaks his native language.” They rely on deceitful words and give birth to wickedness and iniquity. They hatch viper's eggs and weave spider's webs.


In Isaiah 59:5, it is said that people hatch vipers’ eggs and weave spiders’ webs. God warns that those who eat of their eggs will die, and that crushing them brings forth vipers. This is a metaphor for the evil that resides in people's hearts. It is only through redemption by believing in the gospel of the water and the blood that we can be saved.


As Mark 7:20-23 explains, all human beings are born with 12 types of sin that defile them. This means that we are all naturally inclined to sin and cannot help but commit it. Sin overflows from us because we are inherently sinful. The only way for us to be saved from this state is through the power of God and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is amazing that even those who continuously spill sin wherever they go can be saved through faith in Jesus. He came to save us and has the power to completely blot out all our sins. We must acknowledge that we are sinful and accept Jesus as our savior to be saved.

To learn more about the sinful and nature, the law and the gospel of atonement of sins get a FREE copy of these amazing gospel books here.


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